psi2high = FAIL

Me neither man. Adam got one of those girls’ numbers even after you ralphed everywhere.

ha ha why the fuck were we playing quarters with warm beer?

I don’t think it was actually warm. It was cold, but when it takes dumb shits like you 23434569 shots to get it in a cup, it does eventually get warm.

why so he can hope you pass out insted of puke

That beer was warm

haha, I need to cut down on my drinking nights/week

No its cool

o yea. OK we doin anything tonight?!

Ummm I have no clue yet

im off from work till saturday night,yay

Dude we are having a party at hatefields saturday night…get all your pf ladies

lol, you only want the one! idk man, not sure if i want to give her up

plus, you’ll probably just puke on her anyway

+1. If weather permits, I’m driving the P-Car.

Ha ha gtfo you have others

OMG ladies look at me I have a glorified vw bug


I want my license plate to be “INSTASIX” because driving it, my dick instantly gets 6" longer.

wouldnt be the first time he chucked on the bar, or near the bar.

Oh yea we established the puke reasoning…fucking cossey kept hitting my beer and making it foam
