psi2high/sbardy: Anti-lag poplin' like cheap champagne…

damir im sorry but i drove Sbardy’s 335i today, i’d say maybe its a HINT slower than my evo was on pump gas and that went 11.9@115… it’ll mop up the m5, 99% positive

Come on pete, his m5 would crush mine… Didn’t you see the YouTube video he posted.

prlly true, i didnt know the car was tuned and i wasnt even sure this was the same person since there are a lot 335’s out there but since he got soo defensive about it then i think it is him and that dosent excuse the way he drives. and all i really said was he was grinding gears lol is his stick ?

i still am not sure when i would have seen him or been tailgating him since i only saw chris for like 2 miles in albany one day while he had his civic out and that was months ago.

I still dont think it was me tailgating him ( since i never tailgate ) but i dont really care either way, sbardy what color was this m5 that was tailgating you ?

When did myers get that hatch? Pics are great and cars look sick both u guys

Drove 335i also. Thing is quick as shit. Such a nice fucking car

Thanks for the photo compliments guys.

Even though I’m not a fan of turbo Hondas (personal preference) Seans hatch is pretty cool because of the sleeper factor.

I don’t care if the 335i is the slowest god damn car out there; it still looks awesome.

Thanks jim. If you come down again soon we can go out trolling for some vettes

Only if you promise to do some anti-lag in Arbor Hill.

Oh we will anti lag the fuck out of the ghetto


Thats it me and ole kbb are going to start the race war in albany. And I dont mean street racing. Trollin Nolan is on our side though

If we’re doing this, its gotta be at 3AM in front of the Silver Slipper. If your car shits out were fucked.

Psi wernt you selling this recently ?

:rofl :rofl :rofl

Thats right we all love you here nolan:hug

JB4 chipped 335i’s move the fuck out btw.

Its a seriously fun car to drive

I almost like them more than S5’s now…almost.