Green.. more like a gay rainbow?

Cleaned up Sir ILC’s car today…

Not too shabby. He’s going to post up some before pics when he gets home.

I also washed his manhood…with my mouth :gay2:

so how many sexual favors did this cost you?

he got to drive the car lol. The car looks great… cky89, should probably sit on his hands when it comes to taking pictures though, he’s learning lol.

I’ll snap some pictures tomorrow

I’ll stick to teh detailing, lol.

not much of a fan, M3’s are OK, and that color is horrible. I give it a :tif:

the color does suck :frowning: M3’s are totally gay, I’ll give it to you if you want

Then don’t post here?

i valeted a black m5 last night, but the fucking car was filthy so i didnt park him up front. i was severely disappointed in the owner. the rims were as black as the car and the paint was scratched to fuck.

Ugh black m5’s they all look like assholes

seriously, it was some old man and his wife with his 2 hot daughters in the back. i should have told him to take care of his car while i took care of his daughters, then we could have done business.

edit- although my first car of the night was a convertible bentley from florida, i didnt even have to park it and the guy flipped me a 20, i talked with him for a few and told him to call me when was sick of driving it… :rofl:

and man love lol

That’s a given.

i woulda just beat em up and driven the car. watta bitch!!

What do you use to detail

Is that a question?

I wasn’t dissing your job detailing. You did an awesome job, the car looks good. I’m just not a great fan of those M3s and particularly that color. Not saying they are bad, just not my favorite. Sorry for having a different opinion than you. Guess that makes me an asshole.

Have you ever driven anything BMW M?

Also, green is the best color in the world. Green M3s rule because no one has that color. There is no question in my mind, I’d drive that car.

I drove one of those M-coupes before I think it was a 2001 or there abouts. Definitely a fun car to drive, better than the last 330i I drove. I"m not saying they are bad cars. As a car fan I can appreciate them, but i’m just not into them, sorry for being different.

Nobody cares what you like. If you don’t like someone’s car and they didn’t ask for your opinion, don’t post.

Oh, and ILC’s car > you

Nice CKY, I didnt know you detailed.

Honda Civic.

Sorry i missed the rule that all posts should be positive and supportive of the OP and opinions should be along the same line.

says the civic guy hating the m3.

lol, car is awesome…loved the back seat.