gotta raise the bsflag at this moment anyone ever see this car?

I haven’t seen it, but it’s 100% BS. the 4th pic (“shines like a star”) is yellow and doesn’t have the center dash pop-up thing that the 5th pics does. The one in the 1st pic is a 2-door, and the one in the 3rd pic is a sedan.

also, the 4th pic shows black leather seats. the 5th pics shows a reflection of red Sparcos.

Plus, he even says he drives a Blue GP.

Not only that but those are pics from teh bmw website for the interior


my m3 with the bodykit is stricktly for racing. ahahahha

ya this pic is a press release pic

HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA the interior pic with dakar yellow…

i guess his car changes colors a lot

u should use that fake myspace account u have and get him to go to mighty lol

i sent him a myspace message and told him to sign up.

^^^HAHAHAHHAHA i hope he does

i think he might be part of the “Lackawana Six”, i just called the FBI.

HAHAHA…it shows that he is online now…:lol:

this thread needs to get deleted to maintain your cover guys.

that’s if he even decides to register

iam sure the hes knows the bsflag is casted

I think this deserves at least enough effort for me to make a public comment on his color changing paint. Now I just need to get him to add my taurus as a friend. :lol:

well it’s his own damn fault lying about his car while trying to e-pimp himself on myspace

lol…everybody should add him as a friend…then just start going nuts with messages and comments

he hasn’t read it yet. if he reads it or replies i’ll let you know.

he will probably try to set up a race with ur lotus and his “CSL M3” :rofl: