Green.. more like a gay rainbow?

So now when I drive by it in Hadley on my way to hang out with more stellar individuals I won’t giggle at the swirl marks?

I was never hating on it

:shrug: I’m not one to bitch, complain, insult, or generally hate on others… Oh wait I do…

HAHA any pictures of the civic? Wanna Race? pick up women? what ever you want to do.

My M3 >>>>>>>>>>> Cow shit >>> your civic.

thanks :suicide:


Have fun being poor :slight_smile:

I said it was a nice car, They just are not my favorite and don’t really care for the color.

Are you that insecure that you need to start making personal insults at someone because they don’t like your car? I pity you.

Are you that big of a douchebag that you need to come into a detailing thread and rip on someone’s car?

Nobody cares that you don’t like the color. Nobody cares that you don’t like M3s. Fact is, they’re much better than a shitty civic so just shut up before you get further behind.

Obviously you do or you wouldn’t have posted. And obviously your reading comprehension sux too because I said it was a nice car and he did a really good job detailing it. WTF does this thread have to do with my civic?

I’m far from insecure about my car. If it was anyone else that didn’t suck nearly as much as you, I wouldn’t have said anything or/ and asked for appropraite criticism to make it look nicer in the future. but since you suck, you have a shitty car… I’m going to continue.

Quarter mile time M3 > your civic
0-60 M3 > your civic
HP M3 > your civic
HP to weight ratio M3 > your civic
Awesomeness M3 > your civic
Wet Vaginas M3 > your civic
Track ability M3 > your civic

God do you even have a B-series motor. doubtful since in your introduction post you said you would love to swap it. :tdown: to your crappy car. continuing on…

2002 > 1999
Redline M3 (8000) > civic Who knows it makes max hp at 5800… can’t redline much higher than 6500.

It’s really hard to find anything that your civic will do better than than my M3. Oh gas mileage! YAY!! I can afford the 23mpg or 16mpg my driving.

anything else I missed out?

it sucks jim, it just sucks.

Oh hey. Nice car. Does Steve swallow?



Guy is a raging fucking douche bag
and has a raging hard on for leather cheerios.

yes. and yes.

So what are the stats on that M3 anyway? You throw out performance categories, have you even ever had it to a track? Post up you time slips. I’d love to see what it can do.

Never dragged it. Suppose to run a 13.3 @105 in the quarter. Where as your civic would be oooo hoping for 15s@90 lol

Any other stats you are curious about?

333hp @ 3300lbs = almost 1hp per 10lbs

???hp @ 2500lbs = your car better put out 250hp to be on the same page

On that note…run your freaking car this week

So, you wanna run for cash?



I really just needed to use the term " Leather Cheerio" before my night was over.


Thing looks good.
Makes me feel bad my audi hasnt been washed in a month +…

Soo… what do you have done? it better at least be turbo

Who cares. Your M3 is sooo bad ass! What does it matter you’ll smoke me anyway right?

more than you can afford pal

thats all you need to know
