comes with 5 games: Spiro year of the dragon, echochrome, pocket pool, rockband unplugged and grand turismo
used for about 2 hours
comes with the box and everything it comes with brand new
::bump:: come onn it’s brandy new. Bought the thing 2 weeks ago. retails for $249.99. Gran Turismo is $40 new, spyro is $6 echochrome is $6 and it came with rockband but it’s still over $300 into this thing. Make an offerrrrrrr =] needs to go by saturday to make room for new shotgun =D
Nothing special, really. Just somewhere I can put the car during the winter months where it won’t rust. Preferrably on concrete or pavement. If I get bored I may want to remove the engine for a re-build but I’ll probably wait 'til spring for that when money isn’t as tight.
I would do ebay but I don’t have paypal or an ebay account. The PSP GO is pretty neat and has cool features to it like bluetooth connectivity and some other things, and you don’t have to go to the store to buy your games but it’s just not all it’s cracked up to be. I would have been just as happy with a regular PSP.