Pulp Fiction Question:

Say what again!

watch this

^ The part at the end was a nice little add on.

Cool. I like that theory a lot.

interesting theory but there is no indication in the film of any fantasy elements besides Jules’ strengthened belief in god, i feel the soul bit is a stretch, IMO the “666” combo is for effect, the bandaid is just part of the character, to make him look cool, same reason willis uses the samurai sword instead of a better weapon, to look cool, and finally, why would a thief find the human soul beautiful? Its obviously gold or something similar, thats my interpretation

John Travolta plays a seasoned gangster in that movie. A suitcase full of gold wouldn’t impress him when he opened it. But a human soul, would.

The thief would find the soul beautiful because hes a regular guy. He was telling his wife he loves her and his nickname for her was honey bunny. He seemed like a sensitive dude, he just robbes people for a living.

And the samurai sword was added by Tarantino because he likes Japanese shit like that.

a suitcase full of money might not impress him but my guess is not many gangsters handle real deal fort knox type gold bricks, if hypothetically thats what was in there

yes and jason voorhees loves his mommy, he just stabs teenagers while they are boning each other for a living lol


all in all i definitely see where you are coming from and it is a thought provoking argument, but when it comes down to it, both our theories are a stretch due to lack of solid evidence, though the soul theory is with out question a more interesting idea and more fun to think about

nudes of uma therman?