Pulp Fiction Question:

What the fuck was in the briefcase?

Upon searching I found that it is Wallaces soul. And the band aid on the back of his neck was where his soul was sucked out.

Can anyone confirm?

edit: meant to put this in lifestyles.

link? that’s weird

haha I own this movie and I wondered what was in there aswell.

Greatest movie ever.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulp_Fiction_(film)#The_mysterious_briefcase i dont think anyone knows

lol no one is supposed to know, thats what makes it interesting

I say its his mojo

Nah he still had plenty of mojo. It’s his soul damnit. The band aid on his neck was empasized.

I definitely believe that they meant for it to be his soul.

How about just simply… Gold lol! Fucking with the audience is just as much Torintinos style as is symbolism and inexplicably.

Im not saying I think it is gold, but I have movie buff friends who believe it actually just is…

Your such a buzz kill.

a light bulb i bet

Hey now… I gotta live up to my custom title!

does his soul look like a bitch?

Most likely a pound of Oscar Mayer “Hearty” Thick Cut Bacon.

Does fried chicken light up under fluorescent lighting like that???

I think the whole point of it is that it is not ACTUALLY anything. Since it is a movie, and not actually real life, it was obviously just a light bulb.

The whole point of something like this is that it is up to interpretation.

wow look at post #9 !


It was aids

And there you have it folks :bigclap:

I bet Uma Thurman would be a good lay