pump gas bitch 11.34 :)


You are an idiot Sherm. How about you just keep the negative malaise to yourself.

We’re all still waiting for your “Killer” car to hit the streets and actually do something worth talking about.



*still waiting *

Maybe this year?



who is the fastest pump around here btw? :smiley:

cant wait to install the 1000cc injectors and start tuning :slight_smile: , muahahahah

LOL, sherm talking about “a career”, like non of us work for a living. :lol:



LOL, sherm talking about “a career”, like non of us work for a living. :lol:



And wheres your fast car?

lol wtfux, maybe domestics should only post times because whenever us import duders do it turns into a big bash fest somehow lol :stuck_out_tongue:


And wheres your fast car?


At my house, why?



LOL, sherm talking about “a career”, like non of us work for a living. :lol:




Sherm… you’re ghey, nuff said.

As said before Chris, nice time!

[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:98,topic:28699"”]

im gona have to agree with sherm on this one. im sure that there are cars capable of certain things, but its lame to say what a car should and will do. prove it, then noone has anything to say but congrats.


Yeah your right. Bench racing is dumb.

Props to Chris for getting the job done!

Good luck to all in 2007! It should be a fun year!!




:word: :snky:

Sherm > 90% of this board IN 2007

oh and here is my slip from last year. 24psi pump gas, w/o much use of 1st gear.


I just took my car to the track today.



vid of my 10 sec run


Daily Driven. :slight_smile:


very nice… did you decide to keep the gt3082r afterall?

also, what fuel were you using?

yeah, pretty much same turbo as urs…just in an .82 housing. I started out with an 11.9, and took off one second with dsm link. My first time using it too. I changed the rev limiter for NLTS, which made a HUGE difference. But 11.3 on pump is rediculous. It shows mad skills in the tuning department. Good job!

I was using citgo 110 leaded.


Any DSMs on there that run these times…and people drive everyday? Doubtful


I drive mine everyday. Drove an hr to the track. Got a 10 sec pass…then I went home.

Sweet and your from Rome NY not Buffalo :tup:


:word: :snky:

Sherm > 90% of this board IN 2007



Thats awsome…all these street driven 11sec and faster cars.