
Correct, but I have dos equis.

You’re more than welcome to come over here, hang out and have some beers.

shipyard makes a good pumpkin ale. not to get off topic but i just had omengangs scotch ale and it was absolutely amazing. Whenever i find a scotch ale i have to try it. At 10 dollars for 2 16 ounce glasses though i dont drink it often

Never had a scotch ale. I’m interested in the one heavy seas pumpkin ale as it’s aged in a whiskey barrel.


That cant be the off spring of Chris… I mean the kid aint ugly, Chris is… so logic would tell me it cant be his. Musta came with the picture frame.

#1 was a joke
#2 seeing as this is the internet there was about a 90% chance that that was a googled picture

Got a 12 pack of Sierra Nevadas Fall Tumbler, great beer.

Just had some of the Sam adams Oktoberfest. Pretty damn good.

As I suspected, this beer tastes like poison.

That’s because your taste buds are tiny vaginas.

Tonights trials:

fucking love scotch ales!!!