Purely for Curiosity

Wow…can of worms here but I commend you for opening up what hopefully results in a positive discussion.

I think a huge step in the right direction was taken as what I deem a “New Years Resolution” by the moderation of this forum to crack down on things. :tup: to that.

Now from a personal standpoint I think that the Mods in general need to be more authoritative and less emotional when posting and getting wrapped up in arguing and drama filled threads. While it is good to get some of that out and open and let it die on its own, sometimes it gets annoying with the insane bandwagoning that occurs on here.

I think we need to get back to the basis of this forum. Some good Automotive info. I know it has been talked about before but a few members dedicated to responsible automotive news and notes may spark some more automotive content on here.

I would like to see some more regulations enforced for posting in certain forums. Many other forums I frequent require X amount of posts or membership months before being granted to access in certain forums. This may be another step to take towards improving things on here.

I have always maintained the notion of divorcing Off Topic from the board as a whole. While I definetly see its place, I think its contradictory to an automotive based forum. Especially given that it is the most prevelant forum here.

I have a ton more but those are the first ones that come to mind.