Q: If you were to float down a creek on something....

How did you get so smart?

tractor tire tube

I’ve been spending a lot more time thinking… it’s starting to pay off.

  1. Buy a roll of duct-tape, or see if you can find someone to give you some used rolls to cheat your budget.
  2. Cut up an old tarp
  3. Go to the Dollar Tree, buy as many of the foam pool noodles as your remaining budget allows. ($1 + tax each 18 if done right)
  4. Fashion the most badass rainbow pontoon raft ever. Or in whatever shape you want for that matter.

EDIT: Now with a professional mspaint cad render.

where the fuck are you going to find a store on the side of the creek?


i’d probably go with a lifevest

Little more than 20bucks but way more fun

Go to my backyard and get a huge piece of foam.

I have left over pieces of SIP panels in my back yard.
In fact last weekend I just cut up a huge one because I was sick of moving such a huge chunk.
keep in mind these pieces have OSB on one side of them.
If you fastened a couple together you could easily float a car.:biglaugh:

Since we are on the subject does anyone know where to get rid of huge pieces of foam?:biglaugh:

Throw them in creek and inform NYSpeed of the location and time.

Butch FTW.


lol i could use some for my bow… and for putting under dirt to make a jump for the atv’s and dirt bikes

fuzzy wins

That would be fun but, I still need to get rid of them.

I burned a small piece and it was pretty bad.
I am a Republican but, not even I would want to burn this much foam.:mamoru:

They would actually be great for archery practice.

Mine are free, can’t pop, can float a car and require no assembly.

Just go with a fat bitch and spend your $20 on beer and smokes.

step 1. Buy lots of clothsline
step 2. cut down a tree (costs nothing)
step 3. cut logs into 5’ sections (costs nothing)
step 4. lash said logs together (costs nothing)
step 5. cruize in style in you’re new old school log raft

I agree my idea is terrible! Except the foam noodles are very durable, and maybe substitute a random wood pallet from some shipping company that is tossing one out.

These foam sheets would be probably be the best bet. Not as durable, but you could float a hell of a lot on it, in potentially shallower water. And put the extra money/foam towards booze, and a built in raft cooler.

The foam can also be carved out into a make-shift cooler/coozie to keep beer cold.:jam:

Oh and this foam is plenty durable.

You can ride me all day for $20. :mamoru:

^ 3 pages and your the first one that thought of that haha

I’m so clever.


clever and >$20
