q45 brake setup

Hey guys im having trouble finding info on these. Does anyone know how much smaller they are than the z33 they are? and what combination with rotors must you use? also what mods are needed as opposed to the z33’s. brakelines master slave etc.? And maybe if anyone has a comparo for 60-0ft times for the different brake upgrades?

i assume you mean in comparison to z32 brakes? q45’s are 2 piston versus z32 4 piston. the rotors are very close in size only a couple mil difference. with the q45 brakes you will not need new brake lines, they will bolt right up. the q45 will also be cheaper. if you need more info than this SEARCH. its been covered many times before

i did try to search it but i didnt come up with much… mind you i didnt try another forum. Id rather ask.
Do you know caliper sizes?

i know rotor sizes. q45 is 280x28, z32 n/a is 280x26, z32 tt is 280x30.