Hey guys, Ive heard about the Q45 Ignitor Chip being the exact same for the Sr and we would be able to use the 95+ Q45 Chip for our Sr if they didnt come with them. Anybody have personal experience with this? Or does anyone personally know somebody who used the Q45’s for his Sr and there were no problems?
One more thing, I asked for a quote on how much I could get one ordered for at the dealership and they are saying they dont know what they are. Would an Ignitor Chip be the same as the Ignitor Sensor or the Ignitor Module?
I just need to make sure this is all 100% True.
Thanks again.
-Sean Schreiter
Ignitor chip = power transister = Ignitor module…
You can order it from Nissan, that’s for sure.
it is the size of has two plugs, one on each side
it’s on this picture.
It’s the black little device between the two circles.
Should cost about $120 or so for a used one. I have no idea how much it is new.
IIRC 275 New from Nissan for a Q45.
And it will work perfect on an Sr?
I can get all Nissan and Infinity products at cost so hopefully it will be around 180 or so from the dealership.
Thanks for the information eh guys!
Have a good one!
Anybody know FOR SURE that it fill fit and work perfectly on the Sr??
Thanks again.
Just found out forsure it will work and i have the wiring schematics for it.
For any of you who want it just PM me or MSN me.
Oh and just found out that the Z32 ignitor will work as well and have the schematic for that too.
so do i, and the older q45’s work too,
now if you are planning to goto a junkyard to find them, i’ll try and help you out. IF you CAN find one, it is located on the vavle cover!