Quaker Steak Tuesdays ??

Anyone interested in doin a Quaker Steak all u can eat wing night meet at the Pleasant Hills Lube ???

Pleasant Hills?? Why that one, and where is it??

On rt 51 near Century 3 mall…and cause its in the south hills where alot of members are like me

oh, that’s the new one. I’m not sure how to get there, but if my plans fall through I will try and make it.

Cranberry maybe??

not tomorrow maybe next week id like to give a better notice

me , T70 and a few other people meet up there every tuesday. your more than welcome to join us…

IM in i could go for some wings, soon. I’ll see what works best then “private Message” You redline

i could be game for some wingys in p-hills 3 miles from my house. just depends on if i get stuck at work after they fired 2 people today.

Sure ill go also. What time tommorow night?

I won’t make it tomorrow, but maybe next week.

Edit: today… not tomorrow!

i’d be a gameday decision :dunno:

ok will be tonight @ 730!

mac and i will be there with burnyd and some others

Just to let u guys know theres a new one opening up in Oakland.

alright rob you comming or no heh?

Yea it would be nice to meet some other people. If i’m not working i’ll come.:burnout:

meeting there at 8

im beat from work, and just ate some kilbasi :yum:

U odn,t do shit for work man,how are u beat? Try working 14 hour days 5-6 days a week outside all day rain or shine:stick: