Quality Roofing douchebag schenectady NY...go F yourself

corrugated board yo, just get under the car and cut it out till its what you want.

www.eplastics.com Pick out your ABS (get it thick), 2x4 sheet, bring it to my house, you’ll have an undertray in 20 minues.

I don’t understand how a 2x4 sheet will fit? the bumper itself is around 5’ wide…remember my bumper is slightly different from oem, it doesnt have the extra material where the pork chops mounted to.

Benny…IF you do this, someone please take pics. lmao

Ill use it as a template, sure :rofl

I need a big sheet of aluminum for a front skid plate/splitter, I guess 240’s came factory with them but I have never seen one with them still installed.

I have one of these on my car

^^ I want

My friend used to work at Quality. He quit after hurting his back. He was a delivery driver.

Good story.


the thread title and JClarks quote made me LOL

X1000, I was on the edge of my seat the whole time, other then when I had to take a dizzle in the middle of the 2nd paragraph.

i’d be willing to throw in for some abs for an underpanel.

ben, if i gotta be the “guinea pig” i will…

there is a template on bf.c to make your own jt underpanel. i’d just take that and modify it to be better.

Hey adam if you want to see there work @ my house. Come over. My garage roof caught on fire last summer, and i had them redo it… Well… they just covered it up, and charged me 1,893. :slight_smile: If i wasnt on vaca and there i wouldnt have payed them. Supposeidly there coming next month to do it all over again.

And when they called me when it was finished and after i payed (fucking dumass move on my part, gave them my #'s to my visa over the phone) they said “The roof is still unstable, You might want to get it looked at”

i was like ???. So ya next time your at hunts, stop by :lol