Quality Roofing douchebag schenectady NY...go F yourself

Dear Douche Bag behind the counter,

Walked into your “contractor lobby” looking for direction on where to to pick up a 4x8 sheet of aluminum for a customers car as I had discussed over the phone with other employees three days prior, and walked into the worst customer service from you behind the counter. Had you taken two seconds to listen to what I had to say, your weak ass would have realized I was not only there to purchase that sheet but to setup an account for a continual large purchase order for future kit car monocoque’s. Instead I get your high and mighty shit attitude about no retail sales and proceed to walk out.

I won’t even privy you into how much money you just lost for the business, but if I was any more pissed off I might just feel so inclined to give your boss a call and have a little chit chat about this matter. However unlike you, I’m not an asshole and wouldn’t want to ruin your day :shifty

I found another local supplier that was more than willing to assist me in the matters of taking my money in exchange for the product I required. If this is the way you like to treat customers, I’d hate to see how much potential income you throw out the window. Maybe if you were not such a douche this morning and spoke me in a polite fashion your boss would have been happy about the new account and purchase order and given you a raise, then you’d be able to afford seeking medical attention in wiping that smug attitude from your face

Good day.

Best Regards,

An hour of my life that turned to be a complete waste this morning. I am never buying any thing from this company again.

We wont do anything throu them for that exact reason… The guy was a complete douchebag

His attitude was just wrong. Not the way you should be talking to possible customers. A simple, I’m sorry but “xxxxxxx” and then listen to what I had to say would have been sufficient but to cut me off mid sentence with attitude fires me right up.

Made a few calls and found another place to buy the material. Their loss.

On a related note, I found ABS plastic for cheapo online last night after we spoke.

Ok Srsly.

If you guys get some material can I get a simple underpanel made from a sheet of SOMETHING???

I really don’t want to buy a full sheet of alumalite for one splitter.

Roger that. We’ll chit chat more on that topic over beerz

zomgz splitterz ftw

In for ABS sheets… I found a local place in rochester but PM me with what kind of deal you found.

I know some pro guys that swear by 1/8th inch ply wood sandwiched by fiberglass. They found that they go through so many of them that it was really the ideal way to do it.

actually on this car: http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u113/KIWIJEFF/VEGAS4UP.jpg

Plywood warps easily. If you live in a desert it works great, but not in humid east coast summers. Might work if the fiberglass was strong and you sealed the wood ends.

Either way, plastic is cheap and easy to mold or bend.

Google. It’ll cost you $40 shipped for a 2x4’ sheet of ABS.

That’s be great if I wanted to use 2 sheets :wtf

Ever heard of e-panel?

I got a place that will give me a 4’x8’ sheet for $70 :shifty

is that shipped? that’s typically the expensive part.

let me back up… what the hell is e-panel? Whats the material?

Sick, it’s just like di-bond only lighter:

Trying to find more info…I got a place that will deliver it to my work for $70 SHIPPED.

Gonna order now, if anybody wants some lemme know ASAP, gonna order tonight if not tomorrow.

so its PE backed aluminum? Seems like overkill, one or the other should work fine.


You can get it any size you want.

I hear ABS acts like floppy donkey dong at high speeds.

So get a thicker piece…

Are you daft, woman? :rofl

BAM the price is way over $70 shipped.

Plus the name of my material sounds WAY cooler.

Now how the hell do I make a template for this shit??..you think anyone on bf.c has one?