Quest For The CUP! Rd.1 Game .1



enjoy your crapy game for jerks

:lol: :lol:

Can’t wait to get hammered outside!

i feel as if i should attack justin…hmmmmm :stuck_out_tongue:

justin dont try and get aaron tix.



thats news to me



enjoy your crapy game for jerks


hahahahah hyuck hyuck!

edit: I agree he is a bandwagon fan, I have called him this a few times!

silly bangwagon fans




silly bangwagon fans



lol you tool.

lol…ok if anybody should know that im the farthest thing from a bandwagon toolbag…its sean and bri…

you homo’s

fine… if it makes you tards happy…iwill find a way to go to the game tonight

aaron i would sit by myself @ a game

u wouldent

that makes me and sean real fans
banwagon fan!

lol…i would sit by myself in a heartbeat…and talk to the randoms next to me…

but let me run this by u again…

I…HAVE…NO…$$$ :wink:


lol…i would sit by myself in a heartbeat…and talk to the randoms next to me


Aaron: GAYY
im not sitting bymyself
thats horrible

thats what u said 20-min ago u BANWAGON FAN!


maybe if you didnt buy all that hockey gear you could go.

edit: dunn says ‘AAron’s landing waaa waaa’

LOL…i only bought new pants

blah… and it was almost 3 weeks ago…

ill figure out a way to go…somehow

Maybe Aaron should be working harder instead of crying online…so he could make more money and attend games…


maybe if you didnt buy all that hockey gear you could go.

edit: dunn says ‘AAron’s landing waaa waaa’


end yourself…

and shut it justin…we cant be so lucky like you to work at the arena and have passes just handed to us…:smiley:

edit: fuck it…im gonna go read

Well when you can run the 4-5 networks they have here and all the servers…im sure they will bring you in :slight_smile:


Well when you can run the 4-5 networks they have here and all the servers…im sure they will bring you in :slight_smile:


once again that would mean he would have to stay @ a job more then a month,and stop crying online and get to work :lol: