question about a bike

i found a bike on my way home from south carolina and im thinking about goin back and getting it, anyways its a 99 ninja 600 painted house of color orange, frame and swingarm polished wheels polished and in decent shape not perfect and has 8400 miles and the bottom line price is 3600, that a good price?

not really… that’s high miles.

high miles,:squint: that’s funny.:itr41:

Anyhow, go to and go by the retail trade in value for a ball park figure on the price.

I mean for the price crammer… sheesh oh man! :slight_smile:

the quality of the work is ok, i could do better so thats not really the thing its just im trying to find a bike in that price range and really havent found anything

My friend is trying to sell a CBR600… can’t remember how much he wants for it, but he bought it for $4,500, only has 3500 miles

it all depends on what you’re looking for in a bike, go to a brand specific forum and search for known issues with that year.

what is a wrong with the bike? that’s too cheap for a Honda with low miles.

what year etc on the cbr

Not sure, give me ur email and I’ll have him contact you. He is Freakazoid84 on

mileage just shows it was ridden instead of posed. i would rathre see a bike with high miles then low miles. low miles shows a squid most of time or in some cases someone that just didnt have time. now get ghettofabulous and itsa track crunchie, or the 929 in my garage which has scraped the tail for that same mileage

guy said in the last 2 years he drove it 3 times cause he bought a new boat and lost interest in the bike

8400 miles over 5 years (considering it hadn’t been rode much the last 2) is only ~1,600 miles/year.

Compared to NADA, it might be a little high but it’s hard to really say without knowing what others are selling for (again, brand or model specific forum would be helpful) and seeing the bike.

For that kinda cash and maybe just a little more, I think I’d be looking for something a little newer and likely fuel injected, but again, all in what YOU are looking for.

Well with my luck i lost the dam number it was in my outgoing calls, and got deleted from my calls, but yah i want something and its goin to be my first bike so i dont want to spend 10 g on a new one and wreck it up

buy my busa then

you’re selling it already???

reramair click that

Why would you want to a sell a Busa to a guy that’s looking for his 1st bike? Do you want him to seriously injure himslef. You’re an dumbass for even suggesting that.

redramair, don’t buy a busa as a 1st bike. Get yourself an older - pre-2000 - 600 and ride it for a few years.

finally got a bike 04 cbr 600 rr!