Question about the air filter on my car...

haha, this car doesn’t run on gasoline tho, it runs on hopes and dreams…lol

fair enough…not to be a dick myself but you could also go to autozone and get one for 12 DOLLARS.

it runs ?

it runs ?

those are crap lol. but yeah i see where your coming from tho

haha yeah, btw (not to get off topic in my own thread) but are we still on for wednesday?

(not to get off topic in your thread) as far as I know lol

haha alright sweet, well, time to take this bad boy apart lol

LMK if you run into probloms…taking your air filter off, lol NM

lmao thanks haha

whoa yeah, definitely buying a new air filter…haha, i took it off and to my surprise i saw that someone must’ve man-handled the fins on the cone, and basically bent the living shit out it. I couldn’t see this when it was on the car tho, because the bent part of the cone was facing down lol. Welp…K&N it is…lol

I was next to you at Sheridan and NFB the other day in my Scion. Your car looked good!!