question about windowsXP

I just installed windowsXP on my computer last night and was wondering if there was anyway to stop the stupid computer from grouping things together into one tab (aka all firefox into one tab, all AIM into another, etc)? It is seriously annoying as fuck and makes using the computer a pain in the ass.

right click the taskbar at the bottom, go to properties, and uncheck ‘group similar taskbar buttons’



ur talking about on ur taskbar? it usually only does that if u got a ton of windows open, to avoid that, user tabbed browsing in firefox and stop iming so much. if u cut down on the number of windows open it will help. also u can try stretching ur taskbar up a level and that will allow more space for open windows on the taskbar.


Poose22 solved it for me, but just wanted to say it would start grouping things when it would only be 3 windows. So my buddy list, and two convos would get grouped into one on the taskbar, 3 windows of firefox would get grouped, etc.