Question for outdoors people: Kayak Content

Ok guys, my girlfriend has been doing nothing but talking about getting a kayak for next summer since out camping trip on labor day. I was thinking about picking her up one for christmas but niether of us has a car capable of transporting one. This made me think why not get an inflatable Kayak for her.

I was wondering if anyone has expirience with these? It seems like a good idea cause you can fit that in almost any car and also it take up a lot less storage space. My family has 2 or 3 smooth water kayaks that we can sometimes use but transporting them is a pain in the ass.

Any one have expirience actually using an inflatable, I’m really wondering how stable and sturdy they are and how much slower they would be compared to a regular kayak cause we often go with a group of people.

i have never used one but it depends what your looking to use it for. if your looking for long trecks or river rides with rocks i would stay away from them but if your just looking to kick around on it on a lake that might be a good idea. its just like a car they are all made for different things, there is no one boat that works for everything just like no one car that goes real fast in a 1/4, is good at drifting, auto x, and reliable highway transportation. just figure out what you want to use it for.

yeah. They seem to have ones for every situation even white water. So I imagine they have to be pretty durable.

Most of our Kayak is lake Kayaking but I would like to take some non-rapids river trips too. Mostly smooth water since I really cant swim all that well

Ive used an inflatable one before (not I cheap one I was told @ ~$700 IIRC). It worked just as well as a fiberglass/poly. one I thought…It doesn’t have the handling capabilities of a traditional kayak, but Id say it would be perfect for your girl…prob safer too if/when she flips it lol.

Any inflatables ive seen before have been for whitewater otherwise known as ruber duckeys. They hold up to hitting rocks and getting smashed all day so im sure they could handle going on a lake. As far as handling on flat water i would assume theyre alittle less agile as a hardbody kayak but depending on the style it should be around the same speed.

Cant you get some kind of rack for one of your cars? Like a Yakima or something? I would think they make a universal type.

they do make racks, but its not just the rack but also the storing the kayak at our apartment in town. There is not much space for an 11’ boat, you know

I had an inflatable and I popped it on the schroon river because the current sucked me into a bunch of downed trees sticking above the surface.

I’m pretty into canoe’s although I haven’t been in a few years.

I would say the number one thing to look for in a kayak is a USED ONE. People are always buying them, then finding out they dont like it or whatever, and then trying to offload them.

inflatables suck.

Rent PJB’s truck for a full tank of fuel.

The last I knew my truck wasnt for rent.