Question to the FiOS users...

What plan do you have?
How much for plan?
How much for plan after tax?

What is your TOTAL monthly bill for internet services?

Thanks, just need some info before i order it.


look what a SEARCH for “FIOS” brought up.


i have it

bsic plan

dad knows the rest

come play on it if you wish, see how u like it

They are supposed to turn it up in new areas on the 28th of this month or at least so says a flyer I saw…

turn it up?

Saw those…they don’t apply and they are not helpful since i want to know what the price is after taxes… Thanks tho


Figured Jeff would be the best source. Unless You really trust rubycunt… :shrug:

I love you man.

Just called TW, told them that i want a better rate or faster speeds or else i am going to switch to verizon.

They offered me 29.95 for standard or 39.95 for premiere.
So i took the premiere service. Yay 15down 2 up.

I guess i am staying with TW for now…

But input is still welcome because i wonder how much taxes or other weird fees they charge…

I searched…nothing relevant to my question.

Are you dumb?

Evolve = Verizon representative = NYSpeed Hookup.

Still not relevant to your question? Who better to answer your question that someone who works for Verizon AND CAN HOOK YOU UP?!

We are doomed as a species. :picard:

EDIT: Oh and nice try on deleting your post sonikempire. Thought you were slick? I undeleted it. I dare you to touch it again

See, that smiley rulez!! :thankyou:

yeah seriously, you’re not getting it now but anyone else interested talk to jeff. I just did this and the verizon home people, particularly the rebate ones, are a bunch of tards and having someone to deal with the stuff that knows what they’re talking about helps.

Originally Posted by sonikempire View Post
I searched…nothing relevant to my question.

Are you dumb?

Evolve = Verizon representative = NYSpeed Hookup.

Originally Posted by evolve View Post
its been extended till 7/31/07

remember, go through me, save $100, can be done over the phone, doesnt cost anything extra.

PS: switching from DSL to FIOS also qualifies

i can also just run a check for your address, if you are curious

Still not relevant to your question? Who better to answer your question that someone who works for Verizon AND CAN HOOK YOU UP?!

We are doomed as a species.

EDIT: Oh and nice try on deleting your post sonikempire. Thought you were slick? I undeleted it. I dare you to touch it again


My message to evolve who works for verizon…


I am thinking of getting FiOS service.
I was looking at the 20/5 plan which i can get online for…
Up to 20 Mbps/5 Mbps Special Online Offer: A $134 value
1st 30 days FREE.
Then just $39.99/mo. for months 2-7.
Plus a $25 Target gift card.
Months 8-12 $49.95

Now my question is as follows.
Can i get the $100 MIR with that offer?
What is the total monthly bill after taxes at 39.99 and then at 49.95?


evolve’s reply

you cannot get the $100 MIR with that.

I dont know what the taxes will be on it.

Seriously before putting people down and insulting them get your facts straight. Have a nice day.

You really are dumb. You think evolve is going to know those tax numbers off the top of his head if he’s not at work? You think he can’t find out tomorrow when he has access to that info?

And I see he answered your first question.


Hey man, I saw you sent me a IM.

Thats cool that they hooked you up with a discounted rate. I assume the message was probably about TW…

This is not rocket science. If he had FiOS or if he has seen accounts with fios he would know the taxes. There is not much to look up.
In this case he doesn’t know.

Ex: If i have a 39.95 Tmobile plan…you can expect to pay about $8 extra a month in taxes and fees. Every customer in Erie NY is going to pay the same tax as i am, why should he look it up if he knows it and everyone’s taxes are the same. In this case he doesn’t know. You get what i am trying to say?

Yeah it was about TW. Problem was solved. Thanks.

lol guys lay off him. i really dont know the taxes, havnt seen a bill to be able to guess them, and the owner, who has fios at his house, wasnt in today.

as i think i’ve posted before, the way its set up for me right now is im basically a glorified referral process for the internet side of things. i dont have access into billing or anything. supposedly there is a new system coming soon that i will have more access into things, but because this was the first trial run at letting retail locations for wireless handle ANYTHING related to wireline, i think they were doing it in baby steps.

anyways, thanks for thinking of me sonic. you could most likely still get that deal through me, (in terms of the monthly charges) but i’m guessing not the other stuff. like i said, i act as a referral process right now.

anyways, i cant imagine the taxes making TW look more affordable. i have a rep that i can email tomorrow to see if i can get a better idea.