Questions & Ranting

Ok, so i’ve had my vr6t runnin for about 2 months now, and i finally get a Vag-Com to edit some idle problems i was having. So I log onto vagcom and find out those fucks sent me a supercharger chip with the ~june 2004 program… I’ve put a few calls into them and no return call, and to add injury to insult all 6 of my piston rings have been washed out. :frowning: (found out by doing a leakdown test the other nite)

I told them they should send me parts so that i can rebuild my bottom end because they fucked up so bad… Does anyone agree/ have some advice on what i can say to them?

i agree with you that it was their fuck up and they SHOULD help you out. i think exactly what you typed is exactly what you shouyld say. i dont know what the laws are reguarding this so i dont know if that will suffice.


if you would have stopped drinking long enough, you may have caught it earlier. :fart:

any other opinions?

flip shit mikey