Quick Change to my Kitchen Floor

Last night I was tired of looking at the circa 1960s style floor in my Kitchen. This was a very easy and inexpensive way to totally change the look of the floor. This is not what I want to leave as a permanent floor but if you are looking to do something like this some of these tiles are very durable.

Tools Needed:
Utility Knife
Straight edge (12 inch)
Putty Knife

Hammer/Wedge (Needed to get under 1 stair guard)

Tiles (I chose PIM-5 Vinyl Tiles from Duramax)
Cleaning Solution
Towel/Paper Towels

Total Build Cost:
Tiles (6 Boxes at $9.99 at KMart): $65.18

The process is fairly straight forward. You need to figure out where to place the first tile relative to the cabinets, walkways, doorways, etc… I chose to have fully visible tiles in the main areas in the kitchen and wound up trimming 3/8 of an inch off the tiles on the right side of the Kitchen. The previous owner had molding running along the bottom of the cabinets which I reused to hide the edges of the tiles.

Once the first tile is in place the easiest way I found to place them is buy getting as close to edges of the room with full tiles. When you reach a door jam, cabinet, or what not you should dry fit the piece. You can mark straight edges on the tile but for curved molding I found it quicker and cleaner looking to cut a little off at a time until I got it to fit perfectly.

For pieces that slid under the molding whether I trimmed it to fit or not I pulled the backing about an inch from the edge that would sit under the molding. I then slid the exposed side under the molding and worked it into place. With the backing on 80% of the tile it is wasy to force it to line up rather than put it down crooked and have to lift it up again. Then I reached back under the tile and pulled the backing off while smoothing it out with my hand.

Lesson’s Learned:
I needed a hand placing the tiles under the front of the fride to hide as much of the old floor as possible. The idea was that I would lift the front of the fridge slightly and have my stepdaughter slide the piece into place. Well, that did not work out and wound up snapping a tile. It got put down wrong and it was hard to get it back off and I ripped it in half. So, the fix was to prop the fridge up on a 2x4 and it worked out much easier.

Pencil will come off of vinyl much easier than pen or Sharpie. Use pencil if you need to mark a cut line on the top of the tile.

After about 4 hours of fitting, triming, and a Big Bacon Classic from Wendy’s…




I have enough tiles to continue through the Kitchen into the rest of the 60s flooring.

Again, this was a fast way to transform the look of my Kitchen for now. I will be putting in new counter tops and will most likely rip out the floor I just put down and put in wood floor this summer.

As a temporary upgrade. :tup:

Thanks, it really brightens up the room. I was also trying to decide if I wanted a tile/grout floor or a wood floor. Now I have a temporary floor which will help me decide if I want a white tile floor of not.

I think as of now I want to go with a wood floor. I’ve got a few months to figure it out.

When you go to do the countertops and floor, I would lose the circular end of the top and just have a flat end to the cabinets and top. It’s dated and you don’t appear to be using that shelfing anyway. It will also open up the kitchen a bit.

Just my 2 cents.

Luke, it looks great. By the way, give me a call…

Good by 1960’s…

Helloo 1980’s :smiley:

Looks 100% better.
Now throw some paint in your cabinets, replace the hardware and you will be OK for a few years.

Wish I had some pics of my >$1000 kitchen remodel…

also a suggestion, go to target and get some cheap cabinet door knobs. they will add to the upgrade :slight_smile:

Will do buddy.

Point well taken. Looking at it that way it makes alot of sense. Thanks for the input

Haha, Thanks Joe. I don’t think I will paint the cabinets but the hardware is a good idea.

I have 24 doors and 3 Drawers. It always seemed like I would need a lot of hardware but I never priced it up. I will check out Target. Thanks.

Keep an eye out for the Value Hardware circular every Sunday. Every couple of weeks they run a buy 1/get 1 free deal on Amerock hardware. High quality at a good price.

Home Depot sells bulk packs, but only in a few styles.

def looks alot better than it did. that yellow was terrible

its so funny how most of the houses in fisher court look the same, my across the street neighbor has the EXACT kitchen layout, 3 streets over lol

Looks like you did a good job cutting it out the way it should be cut.


i like the look of this new floor looks better than that 70’s style you began with

Much better, 1 project down 50 to go.

^^Thanks for the info guys. I will keep shopping around until I find something that works for me.

Haha, what I like about the layout in my house is that it has a living room and covered patio expansion on the back of the kitchen/garage where most people have just more grass. I have not seen another house in fisher court with that.

Haha, yeah. Fifty is a good number. I have “upgrades” I want to do. The house is solid and does not need to be repaired in any major sense. The previous owners took good care of it but it is dated. More to come over the following weeks.