Quick IQ test... v. how smart are you

71 i feel dumb and honestly i rushed thru alot of answers cuz I didnt know how much time I had

why are you explaining yourself?

click on the “Find out why i scored so low” :stuck_out_tongue:

oh, we know :stuck_out_tongue:

ha…i got a 76.

looks like i’m dumber than a sack of hammer handles.

^^^ tebber then me 72! errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

an 87 huh?


assuming math.random() is pretty normal meaning it outputs a number between 0 and 1, then mulitplies that number by 11 and adds 67 meaning the range would be… (sry the floor just strips off the decimal at the end, incase anyone cared)

67 to 78, how you were able to score a 87 is amazing, now either you are dyslexic, or you just want to have no credibility at all.

Sorry i didn’t mean to ruin the thread, but i had to… and lets go further…

making a simple ratio, 78/87(the max, so it seems) = 89% for the high range
and 67/87 = 77% the low range. Multiplied by his inflated 127 IQ gives us a range of 113 - 97, hey at least he is in the top 50% of the US

Remember kids you don’t have lie when something is a joke. cause everyone will get roughly the same results too.

oh yea… and to prove that the math.random() function is actually outputting a number between 0 and 1 I went to which is just a page you can reload over and over and trial and error the output. I saw nothing other than number RANGING from 67 to 78…

I just clicked “Continue” without answering any questions and got a 76. Then a 70. Then a 72. And then…

So yeah, random number generator. Doing a whole bunch of alt-left and alt-rights produced numbers ranging from 67-77.

geek pwn

ya… i noticed that too when i was going back and fourth to see what i got wrong…

i figured it was zwarbit trying to zap us

even though it’s fake, does this one have an answer?


http://www.johnhudghton.f9.co.uk/Oaktree/seq2-a.gif or http://www.johnhudghton.f9.co.uk/Oaktree/seq2-b.gif or http://www.johnhudghton.f9.co.uk/Oaktree/seq2-c.gif



the answer to the year was you had to add all the digits of the years up all the years added up to 17 accept for 1494…1+4+9+4=18

both green move like a clock the hand point left goes 1/8th turn per frame counter clockwise, the other hand goes 1/4 turn clock wise… figure it out from there

i chose C on that one too…assuming the next one after that would be the exact opposite of the first box…picture each of the green bars rotating in opposite directions…if that makes sense.

yep, that’s it.


fucking clock hands… i missed that one too


Nothings better then some good math pwnage. Too bad i hate math :frowning: