quick stop motion vid

ive seen super good and long ones out there ,when i was camping i thought id try it out with my remote… it was cool, made a small vid

looked pretty sweet for a 1st try.

sweet. needs a stop motion back-flip tho. that would be ill

p.s. u comin down to floreeeeda

floridaaaa not happenin, now its maryland…

nice dude, good job

looks pretty ill.

that’s a good beck song.

this remix is even better:


hah pretty cool, i’ve always wanted to make some of these


looks pretty ill.

that’s a good beck song.

this remix is even better:



link isnt workin? id like to hear the remix

NEW ONE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYoQRl64ubE

i have the song with a nintendo mario remix
sounds siqqq as fuck, also how do you do this?


The second one is a nice improvement :wink:

I think i might have to try this out sometime…

i love the last move on that 2nd one.

def some cool stuff.

OT: PM me about the photoshoot micah, if you still want to do it that is.

2nd one was soo exhausting, kept missing the pic and had to redo so many…

93-PM)d u back

That’s awesome! I love the superman move in the 2nd :slight_smile:

very nice.

that was pretty sweet! good song choice!