Quik and JimmaY


Thread locking bitches



get me out of efights, i dont care to be in here and i didnt lock the thread. if ppl cant follow guidelines and rules then they get what they get


BlkP42E for posting after thread was :lockd: (Post count bitch)


Pewter because he didn’t :ban: Quik too! (No spellcheck bitch)


Eurodad because he read this and didn’t post (Thick floormat bitch)


now why do i get banned when i didnt speak of out of text? he did and got what partially what he deserved


everyone is a homo on this site…

not really jsut alot of bitches on here. only if sleeper was around… and not in the bahama’s

Guy cleans up his act, does something good.

You make some childish comment about his past (obviously you hit a nerve because he was proud of his recent accomplishments)

He retorts and throws the Hail Mary to end it.

You whine and cry ban.

I say ban you both. The board could use a break from your ego anyway.

sorry but for about 3 yrs now talking about family is out of question. there isnt an exception. if you would of read he was the one that instagated shit, he also referred to my achievemets. nd there are several reasons why he isnt a Mod anymore, along with other things. you dont know him as well as pittspeed does

as for my ego, sorry thats just me i dont see it as being that far fetch. you dont see me bragging , if you notice im mainly in the truck section, the domestic section and tech section




where did this come from. i never see you say anything

but i agree with him… bringin shit about him being a pot head is uncalled for. im cool with both… and both need banned… maybe shaggy for a week and quik till monday so he has nothing to do all break.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I missed this :frowning:

get out of here with that shit, its ok for him to run his mouth but i cant say shit. sorry not trying to hear that. and didnt say he was smoking pot now did i? so dont put words in my mouth i didnt speak

wow that thread was just wrong… that was completely out of line and not called for.

never said that it was ok for him to say that shit… def said that it was out of line… thats why i said that both of you need banned him longer.

this thread starter should get a :ban: for bringing more :drama:
if i banned quik,i should of banned devin,burnyd,00blackss & lauraws6 for some of the shit they have said latey,JimmaY got the ban because of the mother comment & he knows quiks mother has passed on!
enuff of this fucking bull shit Or more bans will be applied,winters here & dont want to go through the bull shit!