reason for

black ws6’s ban is not posted in the ban list thread!!!

some other ppl should be banned also. this drama needs to quit no matter who started it. we need mods and admins that will do there job. they need to enforce the rules not just be all buddy buddy with ppl

well… whats the problem??? post up links to threads that people should be banned for…

i’m on this board all day long… from 7am to 5pm… then i go home and do shit… i’m not sitting on the interweb until 2am like everyone else.

i’d rather not be told that i’m ‘buddy buddy’ or someone that ‘won’t do my job’… that’s bullshit… i feel bad for whitey because you people think he should be babysitting this site 24 hours a day.

if there is so much drama, why haven’t i gotten a PM to clean up threads? or to ban people?.. i just read the aftermath because i have a job and can’t sit up all night reading interweb fights.

if you have a problem, send me a PM… it’s not like my attention to the e-drama is life or death… when i see stupid shit i’ll delete it… but when an argument is already over with… whats the point?

who are you anyways i dont recall you being around here unless you ahd a different name.

off topic is for offtopic conversations. everyother topic is for specific topics but no matter what each section goes off topic. ppl come to ask for info and all you get is sell it and get a ls1 or you wasted your time and should of bought this. then you got this is a car site. actually from the title its racing emphized [sp] board. that means anytype of racing or related should be welcomed. ppl are different and are allowed to have their own tastes. ppl shouldnt be critized for liking things different then what the bandwagons are. then you got ppl that bring in personal shit, somethings are cool like bragging about getting a job or etc but then you got situations where AIM conversations get brought into it. this isnt a soap opera and whitey shouldnt have to babysit anyone. the majority of the members on thsi site are well of age to act grown up but they dont. then you get the saying well since you didnt donate you dont have a say so. think about it why would ppl donate to deal with all the drama and bullshit is spread among pittspeed. i would say about 6months ago the board was alot better off. by saying htat i mean with all the drama not being here

its sonny.

this is turbovw18.

i don’t get your point? what do you want? all the drama is over stupid bitches or people’s personal lives between friends that are on this site… people do just need to grow up.

but what do you want? you want people to come on here with riced out grand am’s talking shit and not get put down?..sorry george…

you know that once you start getting to know the people behind the keyboards we’re mostly all here to help out with shit… it’s just drama… it’s not like something that someone posted on pittspeed is going to stop the clocks around the world…some of it’s irratating, but what can you do?

i’d like to hear your constructive ideas on how to remedy the problem… not bitch about the issue.


sorry sonny didnt know you changed your name

well i would think mods and the admins could moniter the their sections better. look at SNS its no drama. ppl post specific info about things. if a riced out grandam owner talks shit then mods should pm that person and warn him or her. if the riced out grandam posts questions ppl should try to help that person out. ive met a good bit of you in person but alot of others hasnt and dont understand the sick humor of the members. the drama maybe stoppped for today or tomorrow maybe a week but if you guys dont enforce the rule then it will start up again. talk to ppl off the board and most ive spoke to say that they dont post much or even vist the board because of the drama. if you want to talk shit on someone do it in efights. or if drama stays how about a drama only section for the drama queens. sit back and think how many members are registerd and how many actually post… then think of how many members used to post and you know them well. those ppl wont come here cause of the drama. other sites are very usefull for info, this site can be very usefull for info. we have a variity of vehicle owners. the ones the know their stuff post up but you get others that just like to post whore. you get ppl that just quote ppl and not put any of their info along with it. sonny if you wish hit me up and well meet up and discuss this along with others that see the same point

riced out grand am owners! :finger: :rofl:

the point that i wanna make is that this site very rarely gives new members a reason to come back.

i never had an issue with pittspeed… i got into arguments with people down the line but no big deal… shit, rob with the mustang (dont remember his name) and i got into that efight for a week… to the point that we were going to ‘fight’ but it was all internet drama and nothing was said… since i’ve seen him at a gtg or so and he comes down to my garage all the time… no issues.

i just think people have a big mouth on the internet… it’s not fun to ‘nazi’ a board and delete all the posts that are the slightest bit negitive…

i don’t want ot be that guy that deletes all your shit and equally as much, pisses off the poeple that don’t post.

honestly, i’m going to be moving threads and deleting fights… if there is an issue PM me. i dont want people to get all worked up and ‘quit’ our site because there is drama… stupid…

george, i’m always at my garage… feel free to stop by anytime :slight_smile:



im sorry i didnt realize it was on-topic until i already posted but i did have a point to make so i edited my post :slight_smile:

mostly agreed. you do got some valuable info. months ago you and blkp42e had that heath topic. alot of ppl used that info. you may not be well mechanical witted but you can still contribute to the board

agreed. everyone knows something about something

this is kinda off topic but not really: i have more knowledge of cars than any of you probably know! i never have a chance to really share what i know about n-body grand ams plus i do have a fairly good knowledge of cars. my point is that some people dont get a chance to share and help in the areas they know.

this thread is waaayyyy off topic.

how the fuck did this make it to 2 pages it should be one reply


i love how everyone is snappy with everyone.

here is the answer from me… i didnt ban roland so i have no clue

logik can ban, sonny can ban, whitey can ban and brian can ban… I am just a worthless thread deleting peon

a good cocklicker too :naughty: