
:bowrofl: :bowrofl:

yup, i agree

well i was just watching this all unfold

becasue there is nothing spectactular to see or talk about

come on devin,i know u can do better,qite being lame as first bass


you have no idea what goes on in Mt. Pleasant. once youre in your in for life

watch i dont hit u in the forhead when i unfold it!:booty:

unfold what? youre tongue? we both know youre small, thats why a few of us can still say were anal virgins

so what color bandanas do u wear and do u burn urself with the cow prods to mark ur gang? Or how about knock out ur same front toof?

lame again,please step to the side lines!

More like blow it up:finger:

we use mushroom stamp & tea bags

smash it with a hammer

only gang there is :3some:

not with the tools i have

Shrooms and tea bags…hmmmmmm…now this is interesting

When was the last time u even touched a tool in ur garage besides quiks?

i guess ill have ot have a talk with JackOFF the snapoff dude and make sure to cancel your tool order

i only needs quiks tool to do the job & only takes me one time to do it!:gaysex: