
ok…i will THINK again:kekegay: Sorry:stick:

some one call darkstar,sleeper has no GAME!

sorry no chemicals here, unless size comes from the water here

and you dont have an idea on my RIDING skilz ask brian and laura about skilzz

Darkstar has nothing to do with this…but if u want to get ahold of him just light up the hoagie signal batman


I cna ask her about ur riding skillz but brian too?:stick: :3some:




talk about nut riding:tool:

yup,he rides well:gaysex:

got to pay bills somehow

:hsugh: :puke:

laura has been in this thread the whole time… i guess she is busy? :dunno:

you dont really want me to go back through this thread and quote all the nut ridin between you and quik,

do you?

I wasnt riding nuts i was making a point, as an outside refferee on this one, id say that wasnt directly directed towards YOUR wife and/or her desicion to be with you.

shes liek the fat kid in dodge ball. sitting out and watching

STFU stick boy

:bj: :wackit: hahahahahahaha

leave my sex life out of this with brian. its a hush hush event lol


quik 2 sleeper 0 first bass below the score board