quiks a winny little

i wish i could

i looked didnt see nothing that u said was done,so STFU!


:tool: :tool: :tool: :tool: :tool: :tool: :tool: :tool: :tool: :tool: :tool:



this thread is waste of bandwidth, tisk tisk tisk

wtf repeat?
you told me they were blackholed…

you cant find them on the search…

fuck it-

read the frist part fucktard

fuck fuck fuck

fuckity fuck

just passin’ through…

:rofl: Best pic ever :rofl: :bowdown:

:rofl: Best pic ever :rofl: :bowrofl:

title should be Sight N Sound whinny lttle bitch,my post are getting deleted:crying:

go fuck yourself. why didn’t you delete the whole thread then if you are going to be such a nazi?

Serious Discussions and debates not related to Automobiles. Forum Rules are strictly enforced. No Post whoring, flaming, thread hijacking or smart ass replies.


But then you don’t even follow your own fucking rules. It says serious disccusions NOT RELATED TO AUTOMOBILES so go clean the whole forum out Hitler.

PS can’t ban me because “anything goes” in efighting and I didn’t say anything about your family.

So Try not to make up anymore rules…

:jerkit: :jerkit: :jerkit: itv dont do with the thread title mr.i want the meets forum clean,so on topic getting the same!thank u ,merry christmas!

o & i can ban u for the pm &thread hijacking !:smiley:


“what mods you doing?”

“What can teh bike reach with that bonneville box”

“Well so and so has reached so forth”

Yup looks like a fucking discussion on mods for the winter asshole.

Also the meets thing was a suggestion by Quik so less stuff was missed. I suggested a format which another fucking moderator asked for me to write. I did it. Don’t fucking cry to me. Mybe I should have suggested you be removed form the admin since you can;t follw the boards rules.


Yet Mods during the winter IS A AUTOMOBILE DISCUSSION!

do you comprehend or do you need a pop up book?

I’m not being unresponable or an asshole. What john said is right with you guys doing some to some people other to otheres and not following your own fucking format*.

Here is the deffinition for format so you’re not fucking lost.

Main Entry: 1for·mat
Pronunciation: 'for-"mat
Function: noun
Etymology: French or German; French, from German, from Latin formatus, past participle of formare to form, from forma
1 : the shape, size, and general makeup (as of something printed)
2 : general plan of organization, arrangement, or choice of material (as for a television show)

wasn’t a fucking hijack asshole since I didn;t ask myself the question which was on topic to being with…

and the PM is saved… Its not thretening

don;t you have…

shit to put to gether instead of being nazi mod on christmas :rolleyes:

especially when for the most part it was an explination about a part…

Main Entry: threat·en
Pronunciation: 'thre-t&n
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): threat·ened; threat·en·ing /'thret-ni[ng], 'thre-t&n-i[ng]/
transitive senses
1 : to utter threats against
2 a : to give signs or warning of : PORTEND <the clouds threatened rain> b : to hang over dangerously : MENACE
3 : to announce as intended or possible <the workers threatened a strike>
intransitive senses
1 : to utter threats
2 : to portend evil

  • threat·en·er /'thret-n&r, 'thre-t&n-&r/ noun
  • threat·en·ing·ly /'thret-ni[ng]-lE, 'thre-t&n-i[ng]-/ adverb

show were where I did this…