quiks a winny little

:zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: ur the only one :crying:everytime a post is deleted!so send me the pop up book about thread hijacking whick was done thank u merry christmas! :beer:

Thread hijacking is the act of taking a forum discussion thread wildly off topic by discussing a subject entirely unrelated to the subject at hand.

here is your deffinition Nazi and nothing was WILDLY OFF TOPIC. It was a discussion about a mod. The title states ā€œwhat are your modsā€, Some one asked me about a mod i was doing. I answered.


Iā€™m not the only one bitching since John was bitching FIRST in this thread about this exact thingā€¦

its Xmas

/ fight

time to start new thread

make urself ur very own thread here fucktard http://www.pittspeed.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=58

Again you just canā€™t grasp the fact youā€™re blatenly fucking wrong. I WAS AKSED A FUCKING QUESTION ABOUT MY MOD SO I ANSWERED ITā€¦

That is called a DISCUSSION which is supposedly allowed in that forum.

how hard is this to understandā€¦

why should i,u dont ,u loose again,next try! :tool: :slight_smile:

No the only reason you claim Iā€™m loosing this argument is becasue you got an admin postion for being a fucking post whore. You deffinatly didn;t get it because of reading comprehension and the understanding of set guidlines.

You flat fucking wrong and I donā€™t find it fucking amusingā€¦

hahaha just passing thru

explain how i am,+ i pay for the adim powers!:smiley:

he ask want are ppls mod,answer & if someone ask u a ? answer them in a pm,look how well everyone one esle is posting ,thank u merry christmas!

waahh waahh waaah whats all this about? link to said mod thread? Mike, quik obviously has more stuntinā€™ experience. theres no way you could beat him, even with like a 350 shot of NAAWWZ!!


That is so fucking stupid when it was a desicussion on what the mod was. Quit making shit up as you go along.

The titel doesnā€™t say list mods ONLY no discussion. AGAIN you are missing the other point.

On topic is for NONE AUTOMOTIVE DISCUSSIONS So deled the whole fucking thread and all the other car related ones since you are being a anal fucking prickā€¦

PS show me the rule about how you can and canā€™t use jesus christ in a sentance since you want to be stupid about that as wellā€¦

this has nothing to do with beating quik. I listed my mods and some one asked me about the bonneville box, I answered the question and brian deleted everythig for no reason.

Then I PM HIM and he brings it here live instead of leaving it in the PM.

Again HE STARTED THE SHIT PUBLICLY all because I asked him if he other things to do other than being a fucking Naziā€¦

right on bro

Correct If I do that now its still on accidentā€¦

if i seen you doing that i would have to tape it cause shortly after that you be on your back. center of gravity on that bike of yours isnt the best for that shit


way to dig up a really old thread.

ya, for real WTF you sleepin thru an old ass thread for?