Quote from the announcer at Duff's yesterday...

did ken win? nice

ken :gotme: what does he roll

Funny. I think that by “here’s what we think of your product” being using said product, he was basically saying “We like it” or “Thank you may I have another?!”


5 bucks in gas ^^

god dammit bill, give me my doll back, i wondered where the fuck that went.

Um… foreign oil, primarily from Canada. Which makes his Arab comment even more ridiculous.

Damn Canucks

I totally agree with that statement.

Well it’s not like thats’s the only place we get oil from.

Not to mention their oil consumption + exports < production, so they’re probably selling us “arab” oil anyways. :stuck_out_tongue:

How many chins did he have?

lol bill!

my bro won it, bladez…

thanks for clearing that paul…we didnt know from the KEN doll…:clap:

you DOPE :stuck_out_tongue:

and even if there were some that didnt know…they aren’t important then… so it doesnt matter. :slight_smile:

im not holding your hand anymore!


soooo… does owning a yellow car automatically make you gay?


no thom…

owning an M3 does


I guess I should tell my parents.

thats the first step…