R32 Skyline winter build-up

pretty much

My trip’s been delayed until the weekend and I need to occupy myself so you lot are in for more of my waffling!
Well today’s news is that the RB26 pan is now at Quaife USA in CA ( I shoule be a poet??) and hopefully , by the time I return from England it’ll have a nice new ATB unit in there, to replace the whining Nissan LSD. Next I guess I change out the new Nismo diff we put in the rear at great expense and lots of hassle to Don, but I think the Torsen diffs are the way to go for this car, especially once we start to lean on it…
Supposedly the next weak link is the front drive shaft that runs by your right thigh, it’s about as thick as a broom stick and I’d hate to have it come through the floor and whack me in the head!
Pictures, need input…

And yes Yonkers, man if the world ever needed an enema they’s shove it in there- for sure!


Hilarious and true.

What else is being done to your 32? What clutch are you running? I have a Nismo Twin copper mix that is great city daily driving.

I’ve never heard about all the driveline weak links you’re mentioning about? The transfercase to front diff driveshaft sees very little use, unless you have a torque splt controller on 50/50, Then you’ll toast your center diff plates.

E-mail me if you’re ever in the city, we usually try to have a Skyline meet every month. We have about 6-7 around locally and have about a dozen or so every so often.


Bad ass Exedy triple plate jobbie, and we’ll soon see what breaks…
Where do you meet in the city I’m kind of far north of NYC?

Seen the car over at Hybrid, really clean, really great looking car. Good luck on the build :slight_smile:

Thanks , it’ll look nice with the new rims on there, next is the interior to get re-done- it’s almost certainly cheaper to buy new front seats rather than have the old ones retrimmed, but they are seriously comfortable and when you’re an old man that’s the most important thing- tee hee.
My little boy has his nice Simpson Racing child seat in the back, although the little rat spends all of his time kicking the back of the seat.
I ask you what 3 year old goes to school in a Skyline???
I’m biggest complaint about the car is the lack of a cup holder, but given it’s cornering capabilities my large Dunkin Donuts ‘English Breakfast’ tea would wind up on the floor or in my lap!
Who makes a good radar detector , if I get pulled over again 1. I’ll probably end up in jail 2. my lawyer will run off screaming!

I hope Quaife get my front diff’ done while I’m away…

hopefully this picture will work?
my new Gravity rims, 9.5x 18’s they are getting a new set of Advan 07’s 265/35’s

^best on the market, and for sale!

I’m finally in the position again where if i get pulled again, I WONT go to jail, or make my lawyer ask how i still have a license…

You picked a lousy time man, I’m flying back to England on Saturday to a funeral and I don’t get back until 22nd, if you still have it then let me know and I will GLADLY take it off your hands

why can’t I upload pictures- grrr

email any pics you want to me, ill host…



Gorgeous wheels. What seats are you considering? For a great daily/baller seat I’d rock out some Cobra Misano’s one of the best adjustable, non fixed back seats on the market.


nice wheels

The Nismos are insanely expensive and don’t look very comfy, the Corbeau VX2000 in black and red is a serious contender, my buddy in Canada is offering a set of black JIC’s- at the moment the jury is out- any thoughts???

And THANKS for doing the pictures Tom, much appreciated!

I can assure you the Misano’s are EXTREMELY comfortable. Though yes, they are insanely expensive. I’m not a huge fan of Corbeau, I tend to stick to Recaro and Sparco.

Cobra are English as are Corbeau, maybe I can find a set while I’m over there, I need something to seriously take my mind of the situation there, actually I know where the Sparco shop is in London I went there years ago…
I shall have to take a test drive and see which is the softest on my tired, worn-out old body…
Got to say though the stock R32 seat is about the most comfortable sports seat I ever sat in, something else the JAPs got right!