Rabbit, assasin, and everyone look here !

I am sending out a challenge to anyone who dares accept it. If insurance works out I am going to make the haul to the next meet so I can meet some people and have a good time. Brought my car home, waxed it up looks clean. Found out that my turbo is stamped HKS so i have to hoist it to see the part # on the other side :C . So yeah here she is, yes of course its better then RABBITS it has that whole it runs and moves properly thing going for it hahaha, and its not riced out like alex’s ahhaha jk :R
See you guys at the next meet

By far the best solution mechanically to get a sold car from japan is by a car that was used to run parts for a shop hahah

the car is barely trust all maintainence has been kept up new tie rods, bushings, suspension, oil changes, timing belt, altrenator, p.s pump.
Only thing I have a feeling is going to go soon is the fuel pump as it is really whinny and when you start it you have to pulse the gas to get it to idle properly.

you chose a great time to create an open invitation … just don’t get your car seized and insurance cancelled during this long weekend blitz :hmm

I don’t know if it’s better than Rabbits. His is a GTS-4. It’s awesome. And Alex’s is a GTR. In terms of cleanliness then maybe. It’s a nice car any way you look at it.

I agree. Be safe on the streets and stay away from those cops.

Oh, by no means was I planning on racing lol. Last thing I need is for something stupid like that to happen to me.

your tires are on backwards…

no thier not :

Steve i accept ur challenge give me like a week till u come out .