Rabbit/Guinnea Pigs

Ohhhhhh beat his ass Adam

I heard the guinea pigs have aids, swine, AND bird flu.


:lol …speaking of which… i gotta call tom!

i fb stalked her, shes pretty hot, adam ill exchange newdz, your sis for my sis

Im not sure how you guys work it out in east bumfuck, but I dont have newds readily available of my sister :rofl

and why would anybody have nudes of their sister? This isnt Kentucky.

LOL you know how we roll in duanesburg SON! :rofl:rofl:rofl

But I may:shifty

I thought it was sheep out there, not sisters


but perrttyy damn close :ahh :lol

You may get shanked again this weekend too :lol

I can hook you up with some sheep in Esperance if you want me to. Ive got connections with a sheep farm.

Quoted for beastiality references

PJB has sheep on call stabled in his basement.

PJB: The Sheep Man

no, I just know people with a sheep farm and I used to do alot of work there a few years ago.

no thanks man, i got all sorts of connections, used to work on a sheep/goat/horse farm…and my mailing address is esperance :rofl

goats? I may be calling you.

you still got the rabbit? im srs…

So far, I have interest in it, but no one has come and got him yet. If your legit serious let me know, I dont want the thing used for target practice or somethin