FF: Free Rabbit

So my neighbors decided to get rid of one of their rabbits before leaving on vacation or something. They literally put it out back and left it. Their roommate said they didn’t want it anymore. Well me GSX, QuickSilver, and Stealtth felt that that wasn’t right so we caught it.

If anyone wants it let me know, its a very nice rabbit, well groomed with white and black fur.

Pix coming soon.


Attaboy.Rabbit probably would’ve gotten eaten in a day or two…I put the word out,but you should get rid of it no prob.

Inn Tune shop pet??? I vote yes…

awww that’s sad. what a cute bunny.

Come on guys I don’t want to just give it to the SPCA. Its cute as hell, and its free.

put it in the paper and ask whatever the add costs someone will pick it up. Your neighbor should be shot for letting it loose cuz they didnt want it. Losers

do i get the cage??? i might know someone who would be interested

No the cage is for my dog, but I can get you a discount on a cheap one from walmart.

Let me know.

thats rude?what irresponsible pricks!

Free bump for a free rabbit.

damnit and i just bought one a little while ago

what would it cost for a cage and all necessary supplies?

It shouldn’t cost more than about $25.

$30-$40 and get the cedar bedding… with the regular pine it stinks as soon as they piss

Helped to catch the Bunny, hes a cute little guy. Someone save him!

That’s a nice bunny. Make sure whomever you give it to isn’t planning on feeding it to their pet snake… or tiger or whatever the hell else eats bunnys.

Bunny Stew!


Bunneh’s are very cool pets. Silent, don’t smell with minimal cage maintenance, and they’re fuzzy. Shit I’d take it but my dog would eat it in 0.72 seconds.