FF: Free Rabbit

LOL. Yeah, I was going to make a comment on hassenfeffer.


  • Well, that’s no ordinary rabbit.
  • That’s the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!
  • Look, that rabbit’s got a vicious streak a mile wide! It’s a killer!




<a href=“http://photobucket.com” target=“_blank”><img src=“http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y24/jfenski/holygrail1.jpg” border=“0” alt=“Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket”></a>



I saw html is disabled at the last second…



Try calling some pet stores. Im sure one of them would take the rabbit.


Also, bunny needs a name. I like Patches. :smiley:



Also, bunny needs a name. I like Patches. :smiley:



haha. the rabbit’s name is:


Eclaire the rabbit? Haha, oh wow.


$30-$40 and get the cedar bedding… with the regular pine it stinks as soon as they piss


cedar bedding isnt really good for small animals’ respiratory systems

it says that is for rabbits… you don’t see many dangerous things advertised.

“New asbestos kleenex for kids”

still have it? would love to get it for my neice


still have it? would love to get it for my neice


No I’m sorry. I gave it to one of my dad employee’s. Which is good because when we went to the SPCA they said they’d keep it for a few days then put him down.

can’t wait to hear what your neighbor says about it…


can’t wait to hear what your neighbor says about it…


What a ditz. I talked to her today and she had no cluse that what she did was wrong. I said it would have gotten eaten and she replied: “yeah that would probably happen”, and shruged her shoulders.

I hope her other rabbit bites her head off.

Awww bunny.

The sight of justin chasing a rabbit seriously makes me lol…


The sight of justin chasing a rabbit seriously makes me lol…


remember in rocky II when rocky had to chase the chicken.