rabbit spotted in japan!!!!

some of you may not know it but rabbit went to japan for a bit a few months ago. thats why we didnt see him that much. someone from gtrc actually spotted in japan wearing pink attire(everyone knows how he loves pink) at a car show posing with an s15. scroll below to see the pic…


i found this pic like a year ago lol
still my eyes burn every time i look at it…
why did you do this to me…



gah…there goes the rest of my day

maaaaaaaaad old!

wow classic :slight_smile:

Could have put a NSFW… Good thing this thread opened by the time class ended…

:{ :{ :{ :K :K :K :K :K :K :K :F :F "::: "::: "::: . NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. :DD :DD :DD :DD :DD :DD :DD :DD :DD :DD

Thats just wrong in sooooooooooo many ways.
