Race events

Hey guys,

Haven’t been on the boards for a while, haven’t had time.
Now that summer is here im pretty pumped to take my car to the track. Problem is, i don’t know anyone who goes.
I figure im going to drop in with Battle Endless but i want to try out a drag event. Where and how do those work? Is there a specific quarter mile day or is it basically every weekend?
Any help would be good.


BTW Im a total noob when it comes to the track.

I would like to know as well. A list of events possibly?


we have a event on the long weekend May.25

half the track is drifting and the other half is gripping.

check out cscs.ca for the rest of the events including drag at mosport

We have an event coming out on June 15th, 1pm to 7pm at Dunnville. Open Lapping. It’s a grip event though.


Here’s our site


i have about 9 track events and other hyper-automotive-lifestyle events this year including a rally to Watkins Glen for the IRL race with 50 -70 other cars where we have 12,000 sq ft. reserved in the center of the track for us.
