Race of Champions 2006


Great event. Check the link at the top of the page for results if you missed it.


  • Travis Pastrana as a one-man team, and going all the way to the finals in the Nationā€™s cup. Even he was surprised at the result. :lol:

  • Finland taking the Nationā€™s cup despite Gronholm losing every single race he ran. The Renault F1 team is in good hands next year with Kovalainen. :tup:

  • The showdown between Ekstrom and Kovalainen that was decided by just .002 seconds. :ohnoes:

Iā€™m beginning to think I donā€™t give Pastrana enough credit.

I watched a small bit of this. Neat stuff - especially in HD.

damn does anyone have this that i can watch? or know of a replay?

Loeb would seem like the obvious vote, but he did break his arm and was out of the game for a while. Maybe itā€™ll affect his driving, maybe it wonā€™t.

If not Loeb, then Gronholm.