First, do you really live in Amsterrrrreecko like your shit says? Because I live there, have a little bit of a reputation here and can meet you and verify your cars for sale… and your maturity… for my friends here at shift.

Second, There are trailer parks on Sacandaga lake, lots of them actually.

Third. Your 19. And talk like your 12, no wonder people won’t take you serious. Shape up.

Forth. How do you get that jacked from a dirt bike? No helmet? Because that would explain more than just the facial injury.

Fifth. The truck I would have someone interested in, but your acting like a douch, and I don’t like referring douch’s to my friends. So you lost a possible sale, based on your actions here.

Sixth. It may be the internet, and it may be a public forum. But we are all local. You might piss off the wrong person, and chances are since your cars stick out from the crowd (good way or bad) someone might recognize you. Not to mention, if you ever straightened out your shit, it will be harder to “fit in” when you see the more “up standing” members of Shift somewhere; car show, car cruise, swap meet, or even a fucking gas station somewhere.

Seventh. How did you go from driving a $10K+ Avalanche to $1K- beaters? Drug car repo? :ninja

Last but not least: I think you needed more hugs when you were little. :hug