:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl THIS WHOLE THREAD IS EPIC :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

with the attitude you have, your luck will run out eventually. i have never “lost” a fight either, but i sure have taken some licks. but i also dont walk around thinking i can beat everyone up… you just go on and on and on with running your lip(which looks like that of a duck billed platypus by the way)

lose the UFC champion tough guy front youve got and act right.

i dont think iwill kick anyones ass, but im deff gunna swing on you if you come at me im not big by any means im 5’9" and 161 lbs. idgaf if i get beat down i ALWAYS come back harder, ive never ever backed down from anyone, and yea my lips does that shit alot, its cause ive broken my nose and sinus bone so many times, idk its weird and looks funny dude i laugh at that pic all the time lol…but seriously fuck this whole forum its gay you guys are like a bunch of little girls gettin all butt-hurt all the time n shit, actually arguing back is such a waste of fucking time and effort i hope at least 3 of you die horrible deaths and once again http://i26.tinypic.com/2i7l3q.jpg

why are you getting so worked up over an internet forum

im calling you all out on being worked up

im confused

Did you really quote B-rabbit ,from Eminem’s Rap battle ?

The hatch is stolen, or was at some point in it’s life. There I said it, buyer beware.



OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SHIT BENNY!!! This shit just got good!! :thumbup:thumbup

I know some guys who enjoy fighting too. PM me if you want to glove up and i’ll put you in touch with them.

This is moving from epic to legendary status realll quick.


Dear Shift518 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGEoR1f5aRc&feature=related

I want to see failvis and iracegayhatchescuaseihaveaids842759 duke it out. THAT would make an interesting page…

+1, This is great stuff.

:ahh:ahh :lol

:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl So thrown up in the mix I almost fell over

We love you too Wayne. :rofl :hug

wait… i got it… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yu_moia-oVI


learn how to ride a bicycle before hopping on a dirtbike, it was prob a little xr100 :rofl :rofl

go ahead post your address on here see what happens