
all i can say is i feel a whole lot smarter now .oh and i think we found the failvis replacement and it is worse than waht trav was .i dint think it was possible but it was

:wtf asshole. (watch out or imma find gary kingsland and put him on your front porch for halloween)

I seriously want the contact information for even just three of those girls. Even if it is just facebook or myspace, I need to ask them if they actually even know you. Im still calling BS until that happens.

he graduated 17th in a class of 20 from a school full of farm bred hicks and morons.

AS to all the girls you banged I had the same pictures stored on my CP hard drive that i have been dumping in the CP thread. If i wasnt so damn lazy I’d find them and this game would be over

This thread =

Reading back…did this kid really just try to trade his car for some weed? Winner material right there

Yea… I’ll give him an 1/8 of some dirt for his car…

class of 180 and bP is one of the highest ranking high schools in the state. And no need to be jealous.

I have many pics of me with girls, doesnt mean I fucked em

well you sir are a pussy then.

Based on your pictures…I prefer my dick not to burn when I pee after banging out some skanks

Woahhhhh calm down… your being a giant douche. Anyone who announces their sex life unprovoked is certainly a liar.

yea deff lying .

I can name plenty of hot girls, doesn’t mean I’ve bagged em all. The point is that your trying to over compensate for something, not necessarily a small dong… probably more like the fact that your a virgin.

Name the all the disease’s you have?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA i fuccked my first bitch when i was 14 lol ive had plenty of g/f’s and plenty of one nighters dude u’ve got to be kidding me lmfao


let the neg rep ensue!

wayyyyy ahead of you:thumbup