+1 for -rep… and + rep for you murrdog9000

ok how bout i run this lil thought by you… how do you think those girls would feel if they knew you were tossing their sex life up all over the net? im pretty sure u wouldnt get any pussy from any of them ever again…if you even did to begin with… tone it back their chief. im pretty sure none of us on this site give 2 flying fucks what wet stank hole u stuck ur 1/2" dong into anyways.

Contacting said girls now.

ROFL. let the hilarity ensue

:rofl… I hope you actually do

I like where this thread is headed

go right ahead

first, what is this kids name?

wont matter… just ask the girls if they remember fucking some kid with a 1" pecker with fake teeth.

haha, ill just use his s/n

hahahahahaha the fowhawk woould be better for identification

fake teeth > yellow teeth

…jus sayin

just like with titties… real > fake

Alright I have already sent this to a couple but here is the message:

You don’t know me and I don’t know you but I need to ask you a question. There is this kid on a car forum that I frequent and he is on some tirade about all the girls he has ever slept with and you name was on the list. His SN is rac92eghatch228 and he has a fro-hawk in all his pics, drives a civic and an S10 truck. This kid has been a huge retard on this forum so I am looking to call BS on what he is claiming as his “trophies”. Here is the list with your name on it:

"from top to bottom starting with my first post:

1-Krista Barrett
2-Kathleen XXXXXXX
3-Karah Bracchi
4-Nadia Montouri
5-Jillian Litts
6-Brenda Bufe
7-Megan Roots
8-Olivia Ives
9-Jenna Bracchi
10-Courson Orlosky
11-Bianca Dicaterino
12-Katelynn Smith
13-Bianca again(prom date)
14-Lillian Grey
15-Carli and Kayleigh "

If this is true or false please let me know. And if you know any of these other girls please help in figuring this out because I know I wouldnt want someone posted my pictures and name as a sexual conquest on random internet sites. Let me know. Thanks.

  • Adam


Oh shit, the good are rolling in already. Posting in a few…

This isnt looking good for you iracegayhatchesbecauseihaveaids59858


Dude you are awesome :rofl

See bro? This would have never happened if you didn’t come in here pounding your chest like a retard, retard.

Omg this girl is giving me all the good on you playa:

                   <b>         [Courson Charm](http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000222596063)                September 19 at 12:35pm       [Report](http://www.facebook.com/inbox/?ref=mb#)</b>                          
        <b>         Nd carlis his fuckin sister lmao gross       </b>


            [Courson Charm](http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000222596063)                       September 19 at 12:42pm                     [Report](http://www.facebook.com/inbox/?ref=mb#)     
         Lmao!! Ystrdy he was like beggin us nd were like yo we hate yu yu look mad desperate jus quit. Like rele yu can ask becca cuz thts some crazy shit. He li 
            [Courson Charm](http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000222596063)                       September 19 at 12:42pm                     [Report](http://www.facebook.com/inbox/?ref=mb#)     
         terally jus imd her sayin he loves her nd she dnt like him so he gets pissd nd does this. The only person he ben fuckin is his manager at mcdonalds deada