we all know it aint yours .i mean come on noones that dumb to think a charger is anything worth braggin about
chargers= teh ghey
Probably a v6 ‘High Output’ rental car
Gotta love how they call the pos v6 a high output.
woo hoo new dodge charger!
+++++++++++++++++1 so true !!!
LOL im so glad you did now that exposed you as a flat out liar, as shown below
adam aka the coolest dude on shift at this time LOL
what? man going by your pictures, you really talk like this ? LOL !!!
you are lying, YOU not anyone else
JUST YOU, its ridiculous yes !
UM if you are such a stud (:lol) like you say you are then im sure they would feel HONORED to have fucked with such a player as yourself
instead they came back with stories on how lame your stupid ass is
travis… thats…correct :banghead
HAHA ya im actually gonna get on that
thanks for the names and something to start a convo about kid !
:rofl 99frc in for the pwnage! +rep
what the fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk is going on here??
I leave to go to boston friday night, come back today and this thread has 8 more pages? Why isnt this trailer fool banned yet??
well apparentley this clown really thought he was going to copy and paste a bunch of myspace and facebook pictures to shift, and THEN tell us the names of these girls…(what a retard)
so adam, starts with the pwnage and went in and messaged these girlies on facebook to see if they even knew this kid existed, let alone had sex with him
turns out, hes not only a huge liar… but hes also mad lame, they all know him as a lame mofo, and apparently
thats the 4 page recap !
BTW he ignored all of this and only comes to respond to random shit like football or something, he said everyone else is lying and these girls would not admit it… so idk LOL
he wont say if he will fight me or not either ,calls me out o actually anyone ,then backs down .his bull dog mouth is gonna get his puppy dog ass handed to him by someone sometime
hai guyths check my avatar its me my sister and some other random girl. i banged both of dees gurlz!!!
-raceeghatch on kramerbutt’z name
Wow this kids a clown shoe
One million sperm and this one was the best swimmer
OMFG im ROLLING over here… peanut jelly butters u made a funny!! :ahh:lol:lol:lol:haha
i would change my avatar but im too lazy LOL
i cant believe he posted a picture of his SISTER! in his list of bitches he fucked
im dyin over here ! what an idiottttttttttttttt :rofl
um LOL
your quotes are killin me …
nice Sig :lol
oh guythz heres a quote from anovver fread you guyths should check out
no it was one of my girls,HEMI, we went to go pick up a few 30s at fastrac for the party i had 2 days in a row
:rofl awesome !
you talk like you got girls on call or somehting
dude they all hate you, you’re lame
Holy fuck!!! What a piece of shit!!!