This thread will never end. He just keeps fueling the fire. fucking moron

you guys make no sesne i told you it wasnt my sister it was another girl, and like i said who is gunna admit to some random fucking guy on facebook whos rambling on about a forum they know nothing about who they have and havenot had sex with, and courson is jealous that my ex still calls me and they’re still together

Random or not why wouldn’t they just admit it if they messed around with you. Clearly they’re saying no because it either didn’t happen and you only had a wet dream that you did hook up with them or they’re just incredibly embarassed that they messed around with you.

courson? cousin? your cousin is jealous your ex still calls you??

why would your cousin be jealous of yoru ex? :shifty

her name is Courson dude idfk, deff not a family member bro

well seeing as how ive never heard a girl admit fucking someone to someone on the internet that theyve never met in their life i dont give a flying fuck what you have to say

Funny, girls have never had a problem admitting that they fucked me…

and another fucking thing if you guys dont get my fucking pictures and shit off your avatar’s etc, im going to have my uncle, SGT.Trooper Thompson, stop over for a visit, so i can press harrassment charges, it is illegal to have my picture representing yourself, and maybe while im at it ill skimm over the uh Oh Hai CP post, and since most of you are like 30 you can have fun while you , have a seat over there. deadass. stop fuckin with my signature n shit too///fair warning.

were not talkin about, the Hypochondriac hanging out at the laundromat. Where all the raunchy fat white trashy blondes be at.

You are hardcore bro. Fucking HARDCORE

hahahahahahaha There is nothing illegal about taking a picture that was posted on a publically viewed website and someone or anyone hosting it as an avatar.


omggg guyths were all goynna get awesttedd?!!?

oh. my. god.

He’s the best troll ever and he doesn’t even know it.


Vote 1 to start plastering this thread on other forums, this has officially become legendary

Vote 2.

Oh and while SARGENT TROOPER is at it, why doesn’t he get you for posting some random girl’s picture in your avatar? I’m sure she doesn’t want it there.

So, SGT. Trooper Thompson just stopped by my place and let me tell you, this guy is no joke! I’m typing this from the hospital, more updates later

hahaha this thread gets better and better!

vote 3

Oh yea, your not kidding. Do you know how much trouble you can get in for posting pictures of girls that you allegedly had sex with, with their names? If they wanted to EVERY single one of them has a civil suit against you…