thats the most retarted thing i have heard ,your faster than a ,well anything why do you try here noone is buyin your garbage so why try and we are the stupid ones:retardclap



so your telling me you own something thats faster then what I own??

please, lets line them up then and see how fast your Vtakkkkkk gets shut down.

and FYI, I get 25+ MPG’s on the highway. bla bla ya ya you get 30+ whatever…of course your going too when your driving a TURD

eat my shit.

smokin that a really good pic of your car. it should be your avatar. srs.

Fuck your FOUND ON ROAD DEAD, FIX OR REPAIR DAILY, FOR OLD RUSTY DEALERS,Factory Ordered Road Disaster,FUCKING OLd Rebuilt Dodge, Fix Or Repair Daily, Flip Over Read Directions, Four Old Rusted Doors, Fixed On Race Day, Ford Owner Really Dumb, For Only Retarded Drivers, Fabrication Ordinaire Reparation Dispendieuse, Ford Owners Recommend Dodge, Flipped Over Russian Dunebuggy, Found On Russian Dump,For Off Road Death, Freaking Only Runs Downhill, Fat Old Rusted Dog, Freaking Old Rusted Dodge,Backwards…Don’t Ride Over Fifty PIECE OF SHIT AMERICAN FORD

My POS will smoke your POS and then Ill smoke it again with the truck.

and be proud of that budweiser and skoal ring too buddy

it doesnt look like that anymore lol

smaller width wheels and I changed up my tail lights

cause your still in a chevy and try to look as un homo as possible

Miller High Life for me and I dont chew

It seem’s like your brain is rotting as much as that POS shell your trying to sell.

says the kid that needs to sell everything to eat .cause the state had to make budget cuts you suffer ,dont worry i almost feel bad for ya im doin my part though i keep scabs like you eatin in the roughtimes :thumbup

KO goes to Smokin ^^

what? dude are you for srs with these posts?

can we get this thread moved to trash bin? that’s all thats for sale in here anyway.

hahaha oh my word, i mightve struck some lt1 nerve or something “somebody give this guy another steroid, blah blidddy blue blah, i aint hear a w3rd you said, hibbidy hoo blahhhhh”

“n its all dudes in here except for these bitchazzzzzzz”

nice try fuckstick ,im natually big ask around i got chunks of shit bigger than you

ford backwards DRIVER RETURNS ON FOOT lmao sorry had to throw that one in even though im an ex ford owner I loved my stang

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