was not intentional and I can only draw side profiles :lol
like i said take it however you want this forum isnt important to me , you know i didnt bang my sister, and i know what bitches i have and have not been with and its really none of you r business.Sorry for making it that. be assholes like i said idgaf , if it really makes you feel that much better bout urself. Im done trying to jump through hoops to get a bunch of internet assholes i dont even know to accept my prescence fuck that. have fun peaCe.
- rep
hehe. :number1
You should join Bimmerforums.com and hang out in the Off Topic section. We stopped using the word epic because just about any of those threads could be epic. Srs, funny stuff on that site.
Butt sex is still considered incest:number1
This thread just gets better and better
So even tho he removed them from his host site… it is still possible to retrieve them? wow. Anything else retarded on this kids photo-suckit account?
it wasnt a photobucket it was a tinypic account.
Any thing is possible. Just remember
The internetz is SRS BZNS
Yes, cache.
does anyone still have the list of girls name. My GF is from Amsterdam originally I want to see if she knows any of those chicks
There’s a 10 day waiting period before you can access the Off-Topic section but its well worth the wait.
I do
Let me retrieve…
Originally Posted by rac92eghatch228 View Post
from top to bottom starting with my first post:
1-Krista Barrett
2-Kathleen XXXXXXX
3-Karah Bracchi
4-Nadia Montouri
5-Jillian Litts
6-Brenda Bufe
7-Megan Roots
8-Olivia Ives
9-Jenna Bracchi
10-Courson Orlosky
11-Bianca Dicaterino
12-Katelynn Smith
13-Bianca again(prom date)
14-Lillian Grey
15-Carli and Kayleigh
"from top to bottom starting with my first post:
1-Krista Barrett
2-Kathleen XXXXXXX
3-Karah Bracchi
4-Nadia Montouri
5-Jillian Litts
6-Brenda Bufe
7-Megan Roots
8-Olivia Ives
9-Jenna Bracchi
10-Courson Orlosky
11-Bianca Dicaterino
12-Katelynn Smith
13-Bianca again(prom date)
14-Lillian Grey
15-Carli and Kayleigh "
oh…my…FUCKING… god… this thread is insane. he apologises…ron with the assist from left field with the picture save… BF.C having 10+ members join to berate this kid… this is beyond epic…
this is legendary
The fact Travis is in on this kids thread just strengthens it more and more. Someone go to my house and wake my lazy assed GF up so she can get on aim and confirm this shit now
Check her facebook friends, see if she’s friends with any of them on there.